Complex ideas, in digestible pieces.

In mathematics, a lemma is a preliminary proposition used to help prove a subsequent proposition. In linguistics, a lemma is the base form of a word, and represents the core meaning of a group of related words. In both cases, a lemma is the foundation of something greater. Lemmalytica builds on this idea, by taking complex ideas and breaking them down into foundational pieces.

The world is a complex place, but it doesn’t have impenetrable. You shouldn’t have to be a computer scientist to know something about artificial intelligence. You shouldn’t have to be a politician to understand how government works. And, you shouldn’t have to be a philosopher to learn how to live a better life. Lemmalytica aims to help you understand the world, one digestible piece of time.

Each week, we’ll explore a new and seemingly complex topic, and see if we can distill it down to its simple, understandable core. Sure, we may not invent the next nanobot, or draft a new education policy, or discover any life-changing medicines. But, perhaps we can understand what drives the specialists who do those things. After all, they’re doing those things for us, and what they do changes our world as much as it changes theirs.

Looking for answers, just like you.

My name is Severin. I regret to report that I’m not a fancy rocket scientist, Pulitzer Prize winning journalist, Ivy League philosopher, or best-selling author. I’m a regular guy with questions. I have been immensely fortunate to get to study all sorts of things in my life, ranging from history, to political philosophy, to foreign affairs, to data science and machine learning. But am I an expert in those things? No. What I am, is deeply curious about the world. I am on a journey to learn more about how this world of ours works. I hope that you will join me. Who knows what we might learn together.

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Lemmalytica is a community for people who want to learn about the world—even the bits that feel off limits to us lay folk. Sounds like a big task doesn’t it? It is, but not so big that we can’t give it a try. Join the conversation in the comments section of any post, and share what you know liberally. That’s what this place is all about.


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Exploring complex issues, one foundational concept at a time.


Writer | Data Scientist